Kentucky-Tennessee District of Key Club International
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The K-T District Board: Servant Leaders


When Key Clubbers get together, service is never far from their mind. The K-T District Board members are no different.

Last weekend, your K-T District leadership met at the site of the 2016 District Convention: the Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin, Tennessee. Although the purpose for the winter board meeting is to make plans for activities such as divisional spring rallies, convention workshops, and convention assignments, the K-T District Board took the opportunity to serve its community. Each board member brought a stuffed animal to donate to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Nashville, Tennessee. As a board, they presented the toys to the RMH in Nashville. Below is a note that the board received from the Nashville RMH:

Dear Friends,
On behalf of the staff and families of the Nashville Ronald McDonald House, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your donation of stuffed animals.  It was such a thoughtful gesture for our house and families!  With your continued support, we can continue to provide a “home away from home” for so many people who are caring for their critically ill child.
The general community must be credited with providing the major support of our House.  Because of this support, the Ronald McDonald House served as a “home away from home” for 574 families in 2014, averaging an 18-night stay.  Coping with a seriously ill child can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences a family may ever face.  For families having to travel long distances to hospitals for their child’s medical treatment, the strain is even more severe.  Your support provides a great alternative to families who otherwise might have to pay a large amount for a motel or perhaps sleep in a hospital waiting room, or even their car.
Thank you for understanding the importance of providing a place those families with seriously ill children can call “home for a while.”
Jenny N. Lee
Database Technician
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville, TN, Inc.
2144 Fairfax Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
P: (615)343-4000 F: (615)343-4004