Kentucky-Tennessee District of Key Club International
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January 2024 – Savannah’s Summary

Happy New Year, everyone!
The most important thing in this Newsletter is Spring Rally. It is February 25th at 3 pm at First Christian Church, 513 Hattie Avenue, Elizabethton, TN. Please RSVP for this event food, I need a count for food. This is where we will be voting in a new LTG and the Most Outstanding Key Clubber for Division 7. I need ONLY two delegates from each school to vote. I also need someone to run for Most Outstanding Key Clubber from each club as well. If anyone is interested in running for LTG please let me know there are some things that they will need to do. This event is Semiformal and open for all members. I hope to see everyone there!

Division 7 | January 2024 Newsletter (277 downloads )