Kentucky-Tennessee District of Key Club International
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Governor’s Newsletter: May 2019!

Hey K-T!

This month’s newsletter is short and sweet. Thank you all for your wonderful participation in ELIMINATE Week; you’re making a difference in people’s lives – never forget that!

In May’s newsletter, you will find a recap of the training conference I attended this month, as well as more pertinent information regarding ICON and Fall Rally. In addition, I also ask you all to forward your club’s new contact information to your Lieutenant Governors so we can ensure good communication.

That’s all the business for now. Best of luck on your exams, finals, all that good stuff! If you’re an underclassmen, remember that the best years of high school are yet to come, and if you’re a graduating senior, congrats and I wish you all the best in your future aspirations!

Oh, and if you’re a teacher, happy (late) Teacher Appreciation Week. We may not say it much, but we are forever grateful for you all and the work you do!

Yours in gratitude and service,
Ashley Song
K-T District Governor

Governor | May 2019 Newsletter (454 downloads )