Kentucky-Tennessee District of Key Club International
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Teacher Appreciation Day Competition

Tuesday, May 2 will be Teacher Appreciation Day.  This is a great opportunity for Key Club, Builder’s Club, and K-Kids Club members to honor teachers and show them how important they are to students and the school.

The Kentucky-Tennessee District of Kiwanis International will be holding a competition to recognize outstanding Teacher Appreciation efforts by Key Clubs, Builder’s Clubs, and K-Kids Clubs in the Kentucky-Tennessee District of Kiwanis International.

The club with the most outstanding Teacher Appreciation Programs will be awarded the following.
The best club effort in the district $100
The second best club effort in the district $50
The third best club effort in the district $25

Here is how you may wish to design your project
First go to the Kiwanis International web site to get ideas @

You might also go to Google to get project ideas.  See:

Your SLP club should plan something special for the Teacher Appreciation Day.
You can make cards for all the teachers in their school, deliver flowers to teachers, perform a skit for the teachers, or deliver written or singing telegrams.   This can also be a fund raiser and your club can contribute the money raised to your favorite charities. You can sell cards, telegrams, to fellow students and then you can deliver these to their teachers.  (Be sure that the student writes an appropriate message before you deliver it).

See if you can partner with various groups to thank your teachers –
Perhaps a local market will provide apples. You can shine and then deliver them to your teachers … and remember to give the market recognition for giving you the apples.

Check with a local flower shop to see if you can partner with them.

Check with your sponsoring Kiwanis club to see if they will partner with you.

Be creative … and keep track of what you do
Write down what you do and remember to take a photo and/or video with your smart phone.

If anyone comments favorably about your project, write out a direct quote.  Mayor Sam Smith of Littleton, Tennessee, said, “The Key Club members at the Littleton High School are to be commended for their outstanding Teacher Appreciation Project!”  Abe Appleman, Small County Judge Executive in Smallville, Kentucky said, “The K-Kids Club at the Smallville Elementary School did an outstanding job in their skit on Thursday when they thanked their teachers for helping them grow in character.”  Also ask your teachers and school principal (after your presentation) what they think about your project.  You will be able to use these quotes later when you write up your project.

Send your story and photos to your local newspaper after it is reviewed by your adviser.

When you send photos be sure to identify those who are in the photo (except photos with a large number of individuals) … and spell their names correctly.

Here is how you should enter your project into the Kentucky-Tennessee District of Kiwanis International “Teacher Appreciation Competition.”

Send your email entry, by Wednesday, May 10 to:

Dr. Glen Kleine, Public Relations Coordinator, Kentucky-Tennessee District

Include as much of the following as possible in your entry:

1. Name of the SLP Club entering the competition
2. Name of the individual entering the competition:  your contact information must include your address, phone and email.
3. Description of your Teacher Appreciation Day activities; your planning, execution, how many individuals were impacted by this project.
4. Copies of all stories and photos/videos published.  (Take a photo with your smart phone of the published items in your town or school newspaper).
5. Also send a stories and a few of your best photos/videos that you made, even if they were not published.
6. Tell about your special goals and the extent to which they were achieved.
7. Names of any special individuals recognized and why they were so recognized. (Perhaps your honored a long-time teacher or administrator … or a special older retired teacher).
8. Special mention of any individuals/groups that partnered with your SLP club.

We know that this announcement gives you a limited time to design your Teacher Appreciation Day activities, but Kiwanis International just announced that they will be promoting this effort.  So we in the K-T District are following up on this.  Best wishes for a successful project!